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Cultural awareness and expression. What does it mean and why is it important?

Publication date: 2024-05-15


Vermeersch, Lode


arts education, cultural awareness, HIVA-Civil Society - Social Dial, HIVA-Education - Lifelong Learn


A few years ago ENO started working on the problem of unclarity with regards to the common use of concepts and terms in our field in an effort led by the Malopolska Institute of Culture which among others led to forming a topic group focusing on this. However, with the new UNESCO Framework there is a need to re-visit this work and also to find a way forward to contribute to clarifying different understandings, and use of the concepts and terms in the field. Based on solely the Framework text, ENO side-event participants discussed that Member States might find it challenging to understand clearly what they have agreed to implement, and also what to monitor in terms of new developments based on the Framework. As a network that involves collaboration between research and practice, ENO can foster in-depth discussions and hopefully more clarity on different uses and discourses of the field. Amongst the concepts to discuss are arts and culture, but also terms like cultural awareness and cultural expression, on which the workshop will focus.