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Reliability Engineering & System Safety

Publication date: 2021-06-01
Volume: 210
Publisher: Elsevier


Yuan, Xiukai
Faes, Matthias ; Liu, Shaolong ; Valdebenito, Marcos ; Beer, Michael


Science & Technology, Technology, Engineering, Industrial, Operations Research & Management Science, Engineering, Imprecise reliability analysis, Simulation-based method, Interval variable, Augmented space, NONINTRUSIVE STOCHASTIC-ANALYSIS, STRUCTURAL-ANALYSIS, RESPONSE ANALYSIS, DYNAMIC-SYSTEMS, INTERVAL, PROBABILITIES, OPTIMIZATION, APPROXIMATION, UNCERTAINTY, DIMENSIONS, 01 Mathematical Sciences, 09 Engineering, 15 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services, Strategic, Defence & Security Studies, 35 Commerce, management, tourism and services, 40 Engineering, 49 Mathematical sciences