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Expert Systems with Applications

Publication date: 2012-04-13
Volume: 39 Pages: 4718 - 4728
Publisher: Pergamon


Maervoet, Joris
Vens, Celine ; Vanden Berghe, Greet ; Blockeel, Hendrik ; De Causmaecker, Patrick


ITEC, iMinds, Science & Technology, Technology, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, Operations Research & Management Science, Computer Science, Engineering, Relational outlier detection, Geographical information systems, Quality maintenance, WARMR, ASSOCIATION RULES, DISCOVERY, ALGORITHMS, 01 Mathematical Sciences, 08 Information and Computing Sciences, 09 Engineering, Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing


Geographical information systems are commonly used for a variety of purposes. Many of them make use of a large database of geographical data, the correctness of which strongly influences the reliability of the system. In this paper, we present an approach to quality maintenance that is based on automatic discovery of non-perfect regularities in the data. The underlying idea is that exceptions to these regularities ('outliers') are considered probable errors in the data, to be investigated by a human expert. A case study shows how the tool can be used for extracting valuable knowledge about outliers in real-world geographical data, in an adaptive manner to the evolving data model supporting it. While the tool aims specifically at geographical information systems, the underlying approach is more broadly applicable for quality maintenance in data-rich intelligent systems. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.