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IMR: International Migration Review

Publication date: 2008-01-01
Volume: 42 Pages: 476 - 504
Publisher: Center for Migration Studies


Hooghe, Marc
Trappers, Ann ; Meuleman, Bart ; Reeskens, Tim


migration, diversity, Social Sciences, Demography, INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION, IMMIGRATION, TRENDS, 14 Economics, 16 Studies in Human Society, 38 Economics, 44 Human society


Various theoretical approaches have provided us with insights to explain the pattern of migration flows. Economic theory considers migration to be a reaction to labor market and economic incentives. Cultural theories predict that migration flows will occur according to a center-periphery pattern, while social network analysis assumes that migrants follow already established migration networks. We test these three approaches simultaneously, using OECD and Eurostat data on the migrant inflow into the European countries between 1980 and 2004. The analysis demonstrates that migration flows react to economic incentives, mainly with regard to the labor market, but also to cultural and colonial linkages. There is no indication that the importance of the colonial past is declining over time. The response of migration patterns to shortages in the labor market is shown to be highly efficient, while the analysis shows that immigrants are not attracted by high levels of social expenditure. © 2008 Center for Migration Studies, New York, Inc.