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FBE Research Report KBI_1013

Publication date: 2010-08-01
Publisher: K.U.Leuven - Faculty of Business and Economics; Leuven (Belgium)


Slaets, Leen
Claeskens, Gerda ; Silverman, Bernard


Functional data, Time warping, Curve registration, Adaptive MCMC, C, R


Phase variation in functional data obscures the true amplitude variation when a typical cross-sectional analysis of these responses would be performed. Time warping or curve registration aims at eliminating the phase variation, typically by applying a transformation, the warping function, to the function argument. We propose a warping method that jointly estimates a decomposition of the warping function in warping components, and amplitude components. For the estimation routine, adaptive MCMC calculations are performed and implemented in C rather than R to increase computational speed. The R-C interface makes the program user-friendly, in that no knowledge of C is required and all input and output will be handled through R. The R package MRwarp contains all needed files.