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Clarin Annual Conference, Date: 2018/10/08 - 2018/10/10, Location: Pisa, Italy

Publication date: 2018-10-08


Vandeghinste, Vincent
Sevens, Leen ; Schuurman, Ineke


We present a set of Pictograph Translation Technologies, which automatically translates natural language text into pictographs, as well as pictograph sequences into natural language text. These translation technologies are combined with sentence simplification and an advanced spelling correction mechanism. The goal of these technologies is to enable people with a low level of literacy in a certain language to have access to information available in that language, and to allow these people to participate in online social life by writing natural language messages through pictographic input. The technologies and demonstration system will be added to the CLARIN infrastructure at the Dutch Language Institute in the course of this year, and have been presented on Tour De Clarin.