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European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Date: 1980/09/02 - 1980/09/05, Location: Warsaw, Poland

Publication date: 1980-09-01
Pages: 186 - 191
Publisher: Technical University of Warsaw; Warsaw, Poland

Proc. Eur. Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD, Warschau


Bultheel, Adhemar
Dewilde, Patrick ; Osiowski, Jerzy ; Białko, Michał


In a 1971 paper, Adamjan, Arov and Krein (AAK) gave an explicit formula for the approximation of an infinite Hankel matrix by a Hankel matrix of lower rank in terms of singular vectors for the Hankel matrix. This has recently received some attention in identification and realization theory where the relation between singular value decomposition (SVD) and balanced realization is now understood. Some properties of the AAK approximation are derived and it is compared with other approximations obtained from singular value decompositions of the system Hankel map.