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10th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems, Date: 2024/04/24 - 2024/04/26, Location: Karlsruhe, Germany

Publication date: 2024-01-11
Publisher: Elsevier

Procedia CIRP


Cramer, Martijn
Kellens, Karel ; Demeester, Eric


AND/OR graph, assembly sequence generation, blocking graph, liaison graph, mass customisation, 4014 Manufacturing engineering


In the latest decade, the consumer’s desire for personalisation has clearly taken off, challenging manufacturers to diversify their product portfolio while maintaining the same (or near) mass-produced prices. As a result, production is nowadays geared towards low volumes with high variety for which adaptive assembly systems are required. Hence, being able to automatically map out the assembly of complex products yields significant strategic advantages over competing manufacturers. Although a wide range of assembly sequencing algorithms have been developed in the past, researchers and companies still experience intellectual and financial thresholds to applying these software packages themselves. Either the algorithms have to be largely re-engineered from scientific literature, or are offered as part of costly commercial CAD software in the form of plugins and add-ons. However, in some cases, the developed source code is made publicly available via online collaboration platforms though in a variety of programming languages and often requiring the cumbersome installation of additional software libraries. Out of these needs, the proposed APLAN module arose: a software framework allowing developers to share their (dis)assembly planning algorithms in a centralised, uniform manner through the open-source 3D parametric modelling software FreeCAD. As impetus, several in-house developed algorithms for determining topological and geometrical (dis)assembly constraints are included as well as an academic (dis)assembly planner. Previously, such algorithms had to be executed via the terminal, after which the extensive liaison, blocking, and AND/OR graphs were outputted as text or static images. Through APLAN, users are now able to inspect and edit these graphs interactively and dynamically. To conclude, this manuscript finally reports on the benchmarking of the aforementioned connection and obstruction detectors, and their academic and industrial application for human-robot collaboration.