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Environmental Science & Technology Letters

Publication date: 2021-09-14
Pages: 818 - 824
Publisher: American Chemical Society


Verbeke, Rhea
Davenport, Douglas M ; Stassin, Timothee ; Eyley, Samuel ; Dickmann, Marcel ; Cruz, Alexander John ; Dara, Praveen ; Ritt, Cody L ; Bogaerts, Caroline ; Egger, Werner ; Ameloot, Rob ; Meersschaut, Johan ; Thielemans, Wim ; Koeckelberghs, Guy ; Elimelech, Menachem ; Vankelecom, Ivo FJ


Science & Technology, Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Engineering, Environmental, Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences & Ecology, REVERSE-OSMOSIS MEMBRANES, NANOFILTRATION MEMBRANES, COMPOSITE MEMBRANES, IMPACTS, CHEMISTRY, TRANSPORT, ENERGY, STATE, RO, G0A1219N#54970818, G0D5119N#54970016, 0502 Environmental Science and Management, 0907 Environmental Engineering, 1002 Environmental Biotechnology, 4004 Chemical engineering, 4105 Pollution and contamination