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Econometrics and Statistics

Publication date: 2022-03-19
Volume: 22 Pages: 39 - 55
Publisher: Elsevier BV


Dirick, Lore
Claeskens, Gerda ; Vasnev, Andrey ; Baesens, Bart


Social Sciences, Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Economics, Statistics & Probability, Business & Economics, Mathematics, Credit risk modeling, Competing risks, EM-algorithm, Mixture cure model, Survival analysis, Unobserved heterogeneity, AKAIKE INFORMATION CRITERION, COMPETING RISKS, MAXIMUM-LIKELIHOOD, STANDARD ERRORS, SURVIVAL, EM, REGRESSION, IDENTIFIABILITY, TERMINATION, SEM, 3802 Econometrics, 4905 Statistics


The specific nature of credit loan data requires the use of mixture cure models within the class of survival analysis tools. The constructed models allow for com-peting risks such as early repayment and default, and for incorporating maturity, expressed as an unsusceptible part of the population. A novel further extension of such models incorporates unobserved heterogeneity within the risk groups. A hierar-chical expectation-maximization algorithm is derived to fit the models and standard errors are obtained. Simulations and a data analysis illustrate the applicability and benefits of these models, and in particular an improved event time estimation.