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Review of Economics and Statistics

Publication date: 2011-01-01
Volume: 93 Pages: 1010 - 1033
Publisher: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)


Beegle, Kathleen
De Weerdt, Joachim ; Dercon, Stefan


Social Sciences, Economics, Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods, Business & Economics, Mathematical Methods In Social Sciences, LABOR-MARKET, INCOME, POVERTY, 1402 Applied Economics, 1403 Econometrics, 3502 Banking, finance and investment, 3801 Applied economics, 3802 Econometrics


This study explores to what extent migration has contributed to improved living standards of individuals in Tanzania. Using a thirteenyear panel survey, we find that migration between 1991 and 2004 added 36 percentage points to consumption growth. Although moving out of agriculture resulted in much higher growth than staying in agriculture, growth was always greater in any sector if the individual physically moved. As to why more people do not move given the high returns to geographical mobility, analysis finds evidence consistent with models in which exit barriers set by home communities prevent the migration of some categories of people.