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DYSCO Study Day, Date: 2014/05/16 - 2014/05/16, Location: Namur, Belgium

Publication date: 2014-05-01

IAP DYSCO Study Day: Dynamical systems, control and optimization


Gillis, Joris
Diehl, Moritz


This work compares various numerical methods to robustify periodic optimal control problems using the paradigm of Lyapunov differential equations. In this paradigm, estimates for state-covariance are obtained by solving the periodic Lyapunov equations for the a system linearized along a to-be-optimized trajectory, and are added to objective or constraints of the or iginal optimal control problem. For non-trivial dynamical systems, method details were found to be critical to obtain algorithms with reasonable time complexity. An application for time-optimal quadcopter flight is worked out numerically with the optimal-control tool CasADi, which was extended by the author to solve discrete periodic Lyapunov equations using the SLICOT library.