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HUB Research Paper 2013/09

Publication date: 2013-11-01
Publisher: HUBrussel; Brussel


Van den Bergh, Jorne
De Bruecker, Philippe ; Belien, Jeroen ; Peeters, Jonas


Aircraft maintenance, literature review


This paper provides a survey on aircraft maintenance in operations research and management science. Although it is quite related with other airline operations such as flight or crew scheduling, literature on aircraft maintenance is clearly outnumbered in this research area. The literature is classified according to many fields that are related with the problem characteristics or the decisions that need to made. This paper tries to provide a clear overview of the different types of aircraft maintenance and their applications. The main contribution of this review, however, is to facilitate the tracing of the published work in relevant fields of interest. We also identify some trends in the available literature and indicate the areas which should be of interest for future research.