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E-dignities: elderly disabled integration gets new innovative tools in European Societies, Date: 2012/01/06 - 2012/01/07, Location: Mechelen

Publication date: 2012-03-07


Van Puyenbroeck, Joris


ageing, disability, inclusion


The work programme is based on a conceptual frame work that matches significant aspects of the life of an individual where we can expect changing needs during the aging process: health related aspects, occupation, living/housing situation, social relationships. In order to support people with disabilities to keep a high quality of life and to favour their active participation these changing needs require careful assessment, intervention where needed and guidance. The project is particularly interested in reflecting on the following questions: • How is the person involved in the decisions regarding his individual life project? • What services are developed to support aging disabled or how should services adapt to these changing needs? How can continuity be guaranteed if continuity is desired? • How do these changing needs impact on the training needs of professional carers? • How can social cohesion be safeguarded under these changing conditions?