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Comptes Rendus. Mathématique

Publication date: 2009-06-01
Volume: 347 Pages: 637 - 642
Publisher: Académie des sciences


Lemahieu, Ann
Van Proeyen, Lise


Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Mathematics, 0101 Pure Mathematics, General Mathematics, 4904 Pure mathematics


The local topological zeta function is a rational function associated to a germ of a complex holomorphic function. This function can be computed from an embedded resolution of singularities of the germ. For functions that are nondeggenerate with respect to their Newton polyhedron it is also possible to compute it from the Newton polyhedron. Both ways give rise to a set of candidate poles of the topological zeta function, containing all poles. For plane curves, W. Veys showed how to filter the actual poles Out of the candidate poles induced by the resolution graph. In this Note we show how to determine from the Newton polyhedron of a nondegenerate plane curve which candidate poles are actual poles. To cite this article: A. Lemahieu, L. Van Proeyen, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 347 (2009).