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The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment

Publication date: 2012-02-01
Volume: 17 Pages: 242 - 251
Publisher: Ecomed Publishers


Kellens, Karel
Dewulf, Wim ; Overcash, Michael ; Hauschild, Michael ; Duflou, Joost


CIB_LCE, LCA, ecodesign, LCI, manufacturing, Science & Technology, Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Engineering, Environmental, Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences & Ecology, CO2PE, Drilling, Energy and resource efficiency, Laser cutting, Unit process life cycle inventory (UPLCI), 0907 Environmental Engineering, 0912 Materials Engineering, 1202 Building, 3302 Building, 4011 Environmental engineering, 4016 Materials engineering


Purpose: This report contains two case studies, one for both the screening approach and the in-depth approach, of the life cycle analysis (LCA) oriented methodology for systematic inventory analysis of manufacturing unit processes (referred to as unit process life cycle inventories, UPLCI), which has been developed in the framework of the CO2PE! collaborative research programme and described in Part 1 of this paper. Screening Approach: The screening approach, which provides the first insight in the unit process and results in a set of approximate LCI-data, relies on representative general data and theoretical calculations for energy use and material loss. This approach is presented in a case study of a drilling process. In-Depth Approach: The in-depth approach, which leads to more accurate LCI-data as well as the identification of potential for environmental improvements of the manufacturing unit processes, is subdivided into four modules, including a time study, a power consumption study, a consumables study and an emissions study, in which all relevant process in- and outputs are measured and analysed in detail. The procedure of this approach, together with the proposed CO2PE!-Template, is illustrated by means of a case study of a laser cutting process. Results: The proposed methodology, illustrated by two case studies, aims to provide high-quality LCI data for manufacturing unit processes as well as to identify potential for environmental improvement based on the in-depth analysis of individual manufacturing unit processes.