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Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN, Date: 2009/01/14 - 2009/01/18, Location: Trento (Italy)

Publication date: 2009-01-01


Wauters, Tony
Verstichel, Jannes ; Verbeeck, Katja ; Vanden Berghe, Greet


MRCPSP, learning


This abstract introduces a novel approach to intelligently select appropriate modes for each activity in the multi mode resource constrained project scheduling problem. The mode of an activity determines its duration and the resources that it requires. In order to obtain a good (or optimal) makespan, finding an appropriate mode for each activity is most important. The approach integrates different components. It applies a serial forward/backward heuristic to construct schedules; learning automata to come up with good quality modes and a genetic algorithm to explore the search space.