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International Workshop on Static Analysis, Date: 1993/09/22 - 1993/09/24, Location: Padova, Italy

Publication date: 1993-01-01
Volume: 724 Pages: 153 - 164
ISSN: 3-540-57264-3, 9783540572640
Publisher: Springer

Lecture notes in computer science


Bruynooghe, Maurice
Codish, Michael ; Cousot, P ; Falaschi, M ; Filè, G ; Rauzy, A


© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1993. The availability of freeness and sharing information for logic programs has proven useful in a wide variety of applications. However, deriving correct freeness and sharing information turns out to be a complex task. In a recent paper, Codish et al. introduce a domain of abstract equation systems and illustrate the systematic derivation of an abstract unification algorithm for sharing and freeness. This paper follows the same approach, and using a more detailed abstraction, develops a more powerful transition system. The resulting algorithm is more prone to efficient implementation as it computes a single abstract solved form which exhibits sharing, freeness, groundness and linearity information.