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Cognitive Linguistics

Publication date: 2011-01-01
Volume: 22 Pages: 459 - 490
Publisher: De Gruyter


Jaspaert, Koen
Van de Velde, Freek ; Brône, Geert ; Feyaerts, Kurt ; Geeraerts, Dirk


Social Sciences, Linguistics, Language & Linguistics, Simplifying model, framing, empirical evidence, sustainable food production, FRAMES, DISCOURSE, Simplifying Model, 1701 Psychology, 1702 Cognitive Sciences, 2004 Linguistics, Languages & Linguistics, 4704 Linguistics, 5204 Cognitive and computational psychology


We investigate empirically whether framing in general, and the use of Simplifying Models as a framing tool in particular, has an effect on the way topics are cognitively construed. Existing studies on framing in linguistics have either been theoretical or descriptive. Going beyond such methodologically simple approaches, we use a more rigid test design involving the use of a control group, the construction of test conditions in which different Simplifying Models constitute the major source of variation, the inclusion of independent variables like age and prior knowledge of the subjects, and the use of linear and logistic regression analysis. Our results show that our more rigid methodological approach yields a more reliable image of the effect of Simplifying Models on the way in which people deal with information on a complex topic like sustainable food production. Fleshing out these effects further may in time lead to a better informed construction of communication on complex social topics. © 2011 Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin/Boston.