Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology

Publication date: 1986-09-01
Pages: 525 - 33
Publisher: Prous


Lijnen, Paul
Hespel, Peter ; Lommelen, G ; Laermans, M ; M'Buyamba-Kabangu, JR ; Amery, A


Adult, Biological Transport, Active, Erythrocytes, Ethacrynic Acid, Female, Furosemide, Humans, Magnesium, Male, Middle Aged, Ouabain, Potassium, Radioisotopes, Rubidium, Sodium, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 1115 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3214 Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences


The red cell Na+,K+-ATPase pump activity estimated by the ouabain-sensitive 86Rb-uptake or Na+-efflux, the Na+,K+-cotransport activity measured either by the furosemide-sensitive K+- or Na+- efflux or by the ethacrynic acid-sensitive 86Rb-uptake as well as the intraerythrocyte concentration of sodium, potassium and magnesium were studied in 29 normal male subjects with one to three weeks interval between the first and second blood sampling. Both the red cell sodium and potassium concentration, the erythrocyte ouabain-sensitive 86Rb-uptake and Na+-efflux, the furosemide-sensitive Na+- and K+-efflux and the ethacrynic acid-sensitive 86Rb-uptake are stable over time in the same individual. The furosemide-sensitive Na+-and K+-efflux is significantly related to the ethacrynic acid-sensitive 86Rb-uptake. The intraerythrocyte Na+ concentration was negatively related to the ouabain-sensitive 86Rb-uptake, but not to the ouabain-sensitive Na+-efflux; it was, however, negatively related to the rate constant for the ouabain-sensitive Na+-efflux.