Journal of orthopaedic rheumatology

Publication date: 1996-12-01
Pages: 181 - 186
Publisher: Chapman and Hall Medical


Boonen, Steven
Nicholson, P ; Lowet, G ; Cheng, S ; Aerssens, J ; Dequeker, J ; Broos, Paul


Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Orthopedics, Rheumatology, hip fractures, fall biomechanics, proximal femur, BONE-MINERAL DENSITY, HIP FRACTURE, RISK-FACTORS, WOMEN, PREDICTION, COMMUNITY, AGE, INSTABILITY, PEOPLE, SITES


Age-related fractures are considered to be primarily the consequence of bone loss and increased bone fragility. In line with this dominant view on fracture etiology, prevention studies have primarily focused on pharmacological interventions to increase bone density of the femoral neck. However, osteoporotic fracture occurrence is not entirely accounted for by bone strength but also related to the incidence and impact of falls. Recent data have provided evidence that an intensive multifactorial intervention strategy can be used to decrease the incidence of falls, but it remains to be determined whether fall prevention can be used successfully to prevent fall-related injuries or hip fracture. In fact, while more than 90% of hip fractures involve falls, hip fracture occurs in only about 1% of falls, suggesting that falls that cause hip fracture may differ qualitatively from other falls. Fall severity, rather than fall initiation, may therefore have to be the primary subject of future research.