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Pedagogische Studiën

Publication date: 2015-01-01
Volume: 92 Pages: 179 - 201
Publisher: Wolters-Noordhoff


Vandercruysse, Sylke
van Weijnen, Sarah ; Vandewaetere, Mieke ; Elen, Jan


competitie, game-gebaseerd leren, motivatie, prestatie, Social Sciences, Education & Educational Research, INTRINSIC MOTIVATION, VIDEO GAMES, COMPUTER GAMES, SERIOUS GAMES, PERCEPTIONS, COOPERATION, ORIENTATION, PERFORMANCE, STRATEGIES, VALIDITY


How games can be integrated in education is an important element in the research that focusses on the effectivity of educational games. This study investigates the effect of emphasizing competition in the classroom on students’ motivation, perception and performance. A quasi-experimental study with three conditions took place in the third and fourth year of vocational secondary education. Students in the first condition played with increasing score for mathematics as reward. In the second condition students received cinema tickets. In the third control condition no emphasize on competition was included. Results revealed no significant effect effect of condition on performance and perception, but did reveal a significant effect on intrinsic motivation. Furthermore we found an interaction effect between condition and students pre-game perceptions on their posttest score. Hence, the importance of students' perceptions about the usefulness and playfulness of the game is stressed.