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The Brewers Forum and 39th EBC Congress, Date: 2024/05/26 - 2024/05/30, Location: Lille, France

Publication date: 2024-05-29


Galiwango, Steven Kasozi
Pierco, Lars ; Kızılyar, Elif Göksu ; Philips, Jolien ; De Sutter, Wouter ; Soszka, Agata ; De Rouck, Gert ; Van de Voorde, Ilse ; Weiland, Florian




The malting ecosystem is comprised of two metabolically active entities; the germinating bar-ley grains and the diverse microbial community that naturally colonizes the grains. In this study, we used a metaproteomics approach to profile the temporal changes in the proteome of barley-associated microbes under two malting conditions: A standard industrial malting regime (germination for 120 h at 16°C), and an accelerated malting regime (germination for 74 h at 20 °C). A quantitative comparison of the temporal state of the proteomes of the barley derived microbes under the two regimes was performed. By this we gained insights into the effect of changes in germination temperature on the state of protein expression within the identified barley-derived microflora. Together, with the also acquired enzymatic activity data, these re-sults give us novel insights into the functionality of the microflora associated with barley during germination as well as providing us information of the specific microflora contributing to the enzyme potential of green malt.