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CALICO 2024 - Confluences and Connections: Bridging Industry and Academia in CALL, Date: 2024/05/21 - 2024/05/25, Location: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh

Publication date: 2024-05-23


Cornillie, Frederik


imec, ITEC


Invited keynote talk If we want to keep creating impact from research in CALL, we need to (re-)consider our position and way of working with regard to industry, given increasing specialization in our field and the accumulating speed of changes in digital technology. In this talk, I want to make a case for thinking about CALL innovation in terms of the ecosystem in which we operate. I share models of EdTech innovation in Europe where academics and industry collaborate with end users in education and training with a view to creating joint impact. I conclude with suggestions on what we, as applied linguists, should focus on in order to maximize our scientific, economic and societal impact.