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International Archives Of Occupational And Environmental Health

Publication date: 2023-10-01
Volume: 96 Pages: 1149 - 1165
Publisher: Springer Verlag


Tsantila, Fotini
Coppens, Evelien ; De Witte, Hans ; Arensman, Ella ; Amann, Benedikt ; Cerga‑Pashoja, Arlinda ; Corcoran, Paul ; Creswell‑Smith, Johanna ; Cully, Grace ; Toth, Monika Ditta ; Greiner, Birgit ; Griffin, Eve ; Hegerl, Ulrich ; Holland, Carolyn ; Leduc, Caleb ; Leduc, Mallorie ; Ni Dhalaigh, Doireann ; O’Brien, Cliodhna ; Paterson, Charlotte ; Purebl, György ; Reich, Hanna ; Ross, Victoria ; Rugulies, Reiner ; Sanches, Sarita ; Thompson, Katherine ; Van Audenhove, Chantal ; MENTUPP consortium members,


Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, Mental health interventions, Workplace interventions, MENTUPP, Outcome evaluation, Theory of change, SMEs, STANFORD PRESENTEEISM SCALE, PRODUCTIVITY LOSS, PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTORS, WORK, DEPRESSION, PROMOTION, ANXIETY, STIGMA, ASSOCIATION, ABSENTEEISM, Humans, Mental Health, Pilot Projects, Workplace, Anxiety, Outcome Assessment, Health Care, MENTUPP consortium members, MENTUPP - 848137;info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/848137, 1117 Public Health and Health Services, Environmental & Occupational Health, 3202 Clinical sciences, 3505 Human resources and industrial relations, 4206 Public health


OBJECTIVE: Multicomponent interventions are recommendable to achieve the greatest mental health benefits, but are difficult to evaluate due to their complexity. Defining long-term outcomes, arising from a Theory of Change (ToC) and testing them in a pilot phase, is a useful approach to plan a comprehensive and meaningful evaluation later on. This article reports on the pilot results of an outcome evaluation of a complex mental health intervention and examines whether appropriate evaluation measures and indicators have been selected ahead of a clustered randomised control trial (cRCT). METHODS: The MENTUPP pilot is an evidence-based intervention for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) active in three work sectors and nine countries. Based on our ToC, we selected the MENTUPP long-term outcomes, which are reported in this article, are measured with seven validated scales assessing mental wellbeing, burnout, depression, anxiety, stigma towards depression and anxiety, absenteeism and presenteeism. The pilot MENTUPP intervention assessment took place at baseline and at 6 months follow-up. RESULTS: In total, 25 SMEs were recruited in the MENTUPP pilot and 346 participants completed the validated scales at baseline and 96 at follow-up. Three long-term outcomes significantly improved at follow-up (p < 0.05): mental wellbeing, symptoms of anxiety, and personal stigmatising attitudes towards depression and anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this outcome evaluation suggest that MENTUPP has the potential to strengthen employees' wellbeing and decrease anxiety symptoms and stigmatising attitudes. Additionally, this study demonstrates the utility of conducting pilot workplace interventions to assess whether appropriate measures and indicators have been selected. Based on the results, the intervention and the evaluation strategy have been optimised.