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Society for Liturgical Study Symposium and General Meeting, Date: 2022/09/17 - 2022/09/17, Location: Liverpool L16 9JD

Publication date: 2022-09-17


Leenknegt, Geert C


Abstract The Bleeding woman Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48 1. Proposed problem and 2. Relationship with the theme The perception on blood in a ritual, liturgical sense has an ambiguity. In some reflections blood flowing or drinking of animals and human beings is regarded as giving lifeforce and energy, a sign of covenant, a reconciliation sacrifice, a power of love, a seat of the soul. On the other hand, those who are stained with blood were excluded from sacred actions and sacred spaces. The blood flow during menstruation and the association with impurity and profanity, even mysterious powers, led to the exclusion of women from functioning in cult and sacrificial places and worship. The male universal exclusivity in the practice of religions is mainly due to the symbolic opposition to the uncleanliness and the impurity of blood. We want to show that the double symbol modification of blood on the one hand as pure and redeeming and on the other as impure and unclean is a duality that can be found in many symbols. We want to show that impurity and uncleanliness are mentioned when the blood is related to the woman's physicality and that should not be overlooked. It is precisely this feminine physicality that can bring diversity to the priesthood. A new symbol sensitivity can emerge: to focus attention on a faith that gives life and a diversified gender sensitivity to God. 3. Sources - SCHÜSSLER FIORENZA, E., Voor vrouwen in een mannenwereld. Een kritisch-feministische bevrijdingstheologie, vert. H. WAGEMANS, in Concilium 20 (1984) nr. 1, p.47 e.v..; In Memory of Her: A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins, Crossroads, New York, 1992. - Het schriftargument in Ordinatio sacerdotalis, BIERINGER, R., Bijdragen 62 (2001) p.129-142. - GREEN, A., Priest, Blood, Sacrifice: Re-Membering the Maternal Divine, Feminist Theology 18 (sept. 2009), p.11-28 - ROSS, S.A., Feminist theology and sacramental theology: old and new challenges, in G. ROWELL & C. HALL (ed.), The Gestures of God. Essays in Sacrament and Sacramentality, New York & London, Continuum, 2004, p.113. - JAY, N., Throughout Your Generations Forever: Sacrifice, Religion and Paternity, Chicago, University, Chicago Press, 1992, p.37 4. Historical approach and 5. Theological arguments We will try to present the arguments for the exclusion of Women from the priesthood, historically based on the patriarchal institution, and arguments for inclusion in the priesthood, based on the growing position of woman in the hierarchy. We will try to open the discussion on the changing perception of the element of blood based on a positive theological view on a gender-neutral idea of physicality. Biography Geert C. Leenknegt is a priest of the diocese of Ghent in Belgium, and pastor of several parishes. He graduated from the Catholic University of Leuven and has a degree Master of Theology and Religious Studies (KU Leuven), Master of Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion (KU Leuven) and a post-graduate Diploma in Liturgical Studies (IL London) . At the moment he is working on a doctoral dissertation on "The importance of silence in the liturgy as an element of active participation. A study of Sacrosanctum Concilium n ° 30 to a qualification of silence in the liturgy, its relationship with the Liturgical Movement, the monastic tradition and pastoral tensions and challenges. " He is an academic staff (BAP) and contractual researcher of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies - KU Leuven, Research Unit in Pastoral and Empirical Theology. He teaches pastoral liturgy, spirituality and the liturgy, the liturgy and ecumenism (world religions) at the Institutum Liturgicum London - IL London Grote Plaats 15 B 9280 Lebbeke Belgium