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Science Advances

Publication date: 2022-03-16
Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science


Babila, TL
Penmann, DE ; Standish, CD ; Doubrawa, M ; Bralower, TJ ; Robinson, MM ; Self-Trail, JM ; Speijer, R ; Stassen, P ; Foster, GL ; Zachos, JC


Science & Technology, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Science & Technology - Other Topics, CONTINENTAL-SHELF, ISOTOPIC COMPOSITION, PROXY DATA, CLIMATE, ATLANTIC, TEMPERATURE, RECORDS, METHANE, DELTA-B-11, IMPACT, C14/17/057#54271134


The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is recognized by a major negative carbon isotope (δ13C) excursion (CIE) signifying an injection of isotopically light carbon into exogenic reservoirs, the mass, source, and tempo of which continue to be debated. Evidence of a transient precursor carbon release(s) has been identified in a few localities, although it remains equivocal whether there is a global signal. Here, we present foraminiferal δ13C records from a marine continental margin section, which reveal a 1.0 to 1.5‰ negative pre-onset excursion (POE), and concomitant rise in sea surface temperature of at least 2°C and a decline in ocean pH. The recovery of both δ13C and pH before the CIE onset and apparent absence of a POE in deep-sea records suggests a rapid (< ocean mixing time scales) carbon release, followed by recovery driven by deep-sea mixing. Carbon released during the POE is therefore likely more similar to ongoing anthropogenic emissions in mass and rate than the main CIE.