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Psychological Reports

Publication date: 2021-12-10
Volume: 126
Publisher: SAGE Publications


Mazzetti, Greta
Robledo, Enrique ; Vignoli, Michela ; Topa, Gabriela ; Guglielmi, Dina ; Schaufeli, Wilmar B


Social Sciences, Psychology, Multidisciplinary, Psychology, work engagement, meta-analysis, job demands-R model, energy compass, job resources, personal resources, SUPPORTIVE SUPERVISOR BEHAVIORS, PSYCHOSOCIAL SAFETY CLIMATE, PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES, EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT, MEDIATING ROLE, TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP, ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT, VOLUNTEER ENGAGEMENT, MODERATING ROLE, SELF-EFFICACY, Humans, Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction, Intention, 1701 Psychology, 1702 Cognitive Sciences, Social Psychology, 52 Psychology


Although the construct of work engagement has been extensively explored, a systematic meta-analysis based on a consistent categorization of engagement antecedents, outcomes, and well-being correlates is still lacking. The results of prior research reporting 533 correlations from 113 independent samples (k = 94, n = 119,420) were coded using a meta-analytic approach. The effect size for development resources (r = .45) and personal resources (r = .48) was higher than for social resources (r = .36) and for job resources (r = .37). Among the outcomes and well-being correlates explored, the effect size was highest for job satisfaction (r = .60) and commitment (r = .63). Furthermore, moderation analysis showed that (a) concerning the occupational role, work engagement finds a low association with turnover intention among civil servants, volunteer workers, and educators; (b) collectivist cultural environments reported a greater association of feedback with engagement than individualistic environments; (c) the relationship between personal resources and engagement was stronger among workers with university degrees than workers with high school diplomas. Furthermore, the absorption dimension showed a lower effect with all variables under investigation than vigor and dedication.