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2021 BCERC – Babson College, Date: 2021/06/09 - 2021/06/12, Location: Digital

Publication date: 2020-12-16

Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research


Molly, Vincent
Denoo, Lien ; De Cock, Robin ; Reymer, Andries




As the pace of technological and business model disruptions accelerates, corporates need to develop new and more powerful ways to sustain competitive advantage or reinvent themselves. To do so, corporates can engage in corporate venturing. When reviewing the corporate venturing literature, we made three important observations. First, researchers over time have primarily focused on a few dominant and popular corporate venturing practices such as acquisitions and corporate venture capital. Second, despite calls for more research on new forms of corporate venturing, scholars have only recently begun to explore such new forms of corporate venturing. Third, most researchers study one particular type of corporate venturing in isolation without accounting for the effects of other corporate venturing activities that may be in place. In this study, we address these gaps by exploring the different configurations of corporate venturing practices associated with high performance.