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Journal Of Chemical Physics

Publication date: 2021-07-21
Volume: 155
Publisher: AIP Publishing


Ion, Ion Gabriel
Wildner, Christian ; Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Koeppl, Heinz ; De Gersem, Herbert


Chemistry, Chemistry, Physical, LINEAR-SYSTEMS, Physical Sciences, Physics, Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical, Science & Technology, 02 Physical Sciences, 03 Chemical Sciences, 09 Engineering, Chemical Physics, 34 Chemical sciences, 40 Engineering, 51 Physical sciences


In this work, we perform Bayesian inference tasks for the chemical master equation in the tensor-train format. The tensor-train approximation has been proven to be very efficient in representing high-dimensional data arising from the explicit representation of the chemical master equation solution. An additional advantage of representing the probability mass function in the tensor-train format is that parametric dependency can be easily incorporated by introducing a tensor product basis expansion in the parameter space. Time is treated as an additional dimension of the tensor and a linear system is derived to solve the chemical master equation in time. We exemplify the tensor-train method by performing inference tasks such as smoothing and parameter inference using the tensor-train framework. A very high compression ratio is observed for storing the probability mass function of the solution. Since all linear algebra operations are performed in the tensor-train format, a significant reduction in the computational time is observed as well.