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Robust Internal Thermal Insulation of Historic Buildings - Closed Technology Loop of Laboratory Experiments and Simulation Models in the Field of Internal Insulation Testing

Publication date: 2019-12-31


Freudenberg, P
Ruisinger, U ; Stöcker, E ; Roels, Staf ; Jensen, NF ; Odgaard, T ; Otiv, P


RIBuild - 637268;info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/637268


This report comprises laboratory tests of internally insulated wall samples with embedded joist end constructions of three typical constellations (Denmark, Belgium, Germany). These tests aim to derive general conclusions about the performance of different insulation systems in comparison with each other with a focus on the joist end behaviour. Furthermore, these tests offer valuable data sets for the validation of software tools, which are used by engineers and researchers to predict the hygrothermal performance. This allows a demonstration of the reliability and the limitations of the applied software.