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Psychotherapy And Psychosomatics

Publication date: 2020-12-01
Volume: 90 Pages: 71 - 72
Publisher: Karger Publishers


Sarrazin, Samuel
Poupon, Cyril ; Uszynski, Ivy ; Teillac, Achille ; Mangin, Jean-Francois ; Polosan, Mircea ; Favre, Pauline ; Laidi, Charles ; D'Albis, Marc-Antoine ; Leboyer, Marion ; Lledo, Pierre-Marie ; Henry, Chantal ; Emsell, Louise ; Shakeel, Mohammed K ; Goghari, Vina M ; Houenou, Josselin


Science & Technology, Social Sciences, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, GRAY-MATTER, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Humans, Lithium, Neurites, Neuroimaging, 1701 Psychology, 3202 Clinical sciences, 5203 Clinical and health psychology