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UXD for Healthcare, Location: Amsterdam

Publication date: 2019-07-05


De Winne, Davy


In the past 3 years, we have been researching how a mobile application can have a positive influence on the communication between patients and caregivers. In the presentation we will show 2 case studies: the first one is an application that motivates, inspires and follows the patient during her/his diet. It is a habit-forming application to influence the patient's food usage. Besides, the collected data is visualized in a compact style for the dietitian. The dietitian can send personalized tips based on the outcomes. The underlying data will be analysts to make the application smarter and detect possible difficult situations during therapy. The other application is built for parents of a preemie (babies born between 24 weeks - 35 weeks in pregnancy). During the research phase, we found out that the parents need a personal experience and expect personalized content in the app. For example information about the diagnoses, specific diseases, ... next to it they need to see their baby at any time of the day, what is fulfilled through a webcam. The app aims to optimize communication between nurses/midwives and parents. We also want to increase the involvement of parents in caring for their babies. During this presentation, we show our process to build a digital health application