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Zeitschrift Fur Psychosomatische Medizin Und Psychotherapie

Publication date: 2019-01-01
Volume: 65 Pages: 321 - 340
Publisher: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht


Leichsenring, Falk
Abbass, Allan ; Beutel, Manfred ; Guendel, Harald ; Heuft, Gereon ; Hoffmann, Sven Olaf ; Kaechele, Horst ; Kruse, Johannes ; Rueger, Ulrich ; Rudolf, Gerd ; Spitzer, Carsten ; Salzer, Simone ; Luyten, Patrick ; Wampold, Bruce ; Steinert, Christiane


Social Sciences, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Psychology, Clinical, Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychology, Multidisciplinary, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapeutic Approaches, Modules, Training in Psychotherapy, COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY, SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER, PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY, DYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPY, MAJOR DEPRESSION, UNIFIED PROTOCOL, CONTROLLED-TRIAL, DIAGNOSIS, TRUTH, NEED, Germany, Humans, Mental Disorders, Psychotherapy, 1103 Clinical Sciences, 1701 Psychology, Psychoanalysis


Why the concept of distinct psychotherapeutic approaches is indispensable - and why the tool box concept of psychotherapy cannot work Background: In Germany, the official psychotherapy guidelines are oriented towards the model of distinct psychotherapeutic approaches. Within the German health care system this also applies to the training in psychotherapy. Some critics, however, are presently pleading in favour of abolishing the model of distinct psychotherapeutic approaches, which also implies to abolish the concept of the so called "Richtlinienverfahren" in Germany - approaches of psychotherapy which proved to be efficacious and whose costs are reimbursed by the insurance companies. Objective: The arguments put forward such as the heterogeneity of the approaches as well as the proposed alternatives, for example, an "integrative" model of both mental disorders and psychotherapeutic treatment are critically discussed. Results: Both the arguments and proposed alternatives are found to be not convincing, neither from a scientific nor from a psychotherapeutic perspective. From a scientific perspective, there is no evidence for efficacy of a "general" or "integrative" model of psychotherapy - which is in contrast to the Richtlinienverfahren for which evidence for efficacy exists. From a psychotherapeutic perspective psychotherapy cannot be taught, learnt and applied by use of tools or modules without a theoretical orientation. Conclusions: The concept of distinct psychotherapeutic approaches proves to be an in dispensable principal for orientation in psychotherapy, for both therapists and patients.