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Een evaluatiekader voor het Vlaamse integratiebeleid. Deel 5: analyse van de beleidsinstrumenten van het Vlaamse integratiebeleid: de weg van 'tool' tot doelstelling.

Publication date: 2020-04-01
ISSN: 9789088360961
Publisher: KU Leuven-HIVA


Vandermeerschen, Hanne
De Cuyper, Peter ; De Rick, Katleen


integratiebeleid, indicatoren, monitoring, integration policy


Faced with a large inflow of immigrants, and the many challenges that come with it, effective integration policies are of fundamental importance, both for the immigrants as well as for the receiving society. Across Europe, policy goals are set forward in terms of integration, and a multitude of policy initiatives are taken. However, it often remains unclear to what extent policies actually work. Moreover, the evaluation of the effectiveness of integration policy is complicated by the absence of a clear demarcation of policy goals (e.g. what is ‘social cohesion’, when can social services be considered ‘accessible’ for migrants?). In addition, there is a lack of clarity on how initiatives can reasonably be expected to contribute to the policy goals that have been set forward. Put differently, the connection between concrete policy measures and expected outcomes is rarely articulated in detail. Therefore, a comprehensive study was set up that allowed to develop an evaluation framework for integration policies in Flanders. In a first step the current policy goals (social cohesion, accessibility, participation and active & shared citizenship) were analysed and ‘confronted’ with academic conceptualizations. The synthesis was reviewed in a second step by a multitude of stakeholders and in a third step linked to concrete policy measures by using a large series of interactive workshops. The outcome of is a solid evaluation framework which is supported by different partners in the field of integration policies. It consists of 5 reports. The first 4 reports address the different policy goals and suggest indicators to monitor the progress concerning these policy goals. This report describes the different policy instruments and links them with the goals.