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2019 INTERNATIONAL IMAGE SENSOR WORKSHOP, Date: 2019/06/24 - 2019/06/27, Location: Snowbird Resort, Utah, USA

Publication date: 2019-06-01
Publisher: image sensors; Snowbird Resort, Utah, USA

2019 International Image Sensor Workshop


Roose, Florian De
Tedde, Sandro ; Myny, Kris ; Ardekani, Siavash ; Nag, Manoj ; Ameys, Marc ; Breemen, Albert van ; Steen, Jan-Laurens van der ; Verbeek, Roy ; Akkerman, Hylke ; Gelinck, Gerwin ; Piessens, Tim ; Genoe, Jan ; Dehaene, Wim ; Steudel, Soeren


In this work, we demonstrate for the first time a large-area a-IGZO thin-film imager using current-mode active pixel. It is read out by a custom transimpedance IC, and has 3122e- noise and 71.4dB dynamic range.