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Wind farm impacts on the regional climate of the German Bight A regional climate model study

Publication date: 2020-09-10


Chatterjee, Fabien
Van Lipzig, Nicole ; Meyers, Johan


The strong expansion of offshore wind parks, is likely to affect the regional climatology of the coastal areas surrounding the Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic Sea. The main aim of this PhD is to assess the climate effect of a change in sea use, due to large-scale offshore wind deployment. A wind turbine parametrization will be developed and implemented in the COSMO model in climate mode. This will be done in close collaboration with another PhD project, where wind-farm large-eddy simulations will beperformed. Both models will have to be coupled to a certain degree and a better parametrization of win farms will be developed. As the number of large wind farms in the northern European seas increases, the distance between the farms becomes smaller. Therefore the impact of large wind farms on the meteorological conditions at the neighboring farms is likely to increase considerably. This will be investigated using the parametrization derived earlier. This will have important consequence for optimal control of wind parks.