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Waste Management

Publication date: 2019-10-01
Volume: 98 Pages: 113 - 125
Publisher: Elsevier


Einhaeupl, Paul
Krook, Joakim ; Svensson, Niclas ; Van Acker, Karel ; Van Passel, Steven


Science & Technology, Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Engineering, Environmental, Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences & Ecology, Enhanced landfill mining, Stakeholder needs, Anticipatory approach, Sustainability, Circular economy, LIFE-CYCLE ASSESSMENT, RESOURCE RECOVERY, UNCERTAINTY, MANAGEMENT, FRAMEWORK, IMPACT, WASTE, Belgium, Mining, Waste Disposal Facilities, 0907 Environmental Engineering, 3302 Building, 4004 Chemical engineering, 4104 Environmental management


Landfill owners, governmental institutions, technology providers, academia and local communities are important stakeholders involved in Enhanced Landfill Mining (ELFM). This concept of excavating and processing historical waste streams to higher added values can be seen as a continuation of traditional landfill mining (LFM) and seems to be an innovative and promising idea for potential environmental and societal benefits. However, ELFM's profitability is still under debate, and environmental as well as societal impacts have to be further investigated. This study provides a first step towards an anticipatory approach, assessing ELFM through stakeholder integration. In the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with various stakeholders, involved in a case study in Flanders, Belgium. Participants were selected across a quadruple helix (QH) framework, i.e. industrial, governmental, scientific, and local community actors. The research comprises 13 interviews conducted with an aim to elicit stakeholder needs for ELFM implementation using a general inductive approach. In total 18 different stakeholder needs were identified. The paper explains how the stakeholder needs refer to the different dimensions of sustainability, which groups of stakeholders they primarily affect, and what types of uncertainty could be influenced by their implementation. The stakeholder needs are structured into societal, environmental, regulatory and techno-economic needs. Results show additional economic, environmental, and societal aspects of ELFM to be integrated into ELFM research, as well as a need for the dynamic modeling of impacts.