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IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Date: 2019/11/03 - 2019/11/08, Location: Macao, China

Publication date: 2019-11-08
Pages: 425 - 432
Publisher: IEEE

2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)


Vandebroek, Tom
Ourak, Mo ; Gruijthuijsen, C ; Javaux, A ; Legrand, J ; Vercauteren, T ; Ourselin, Sébastien ; Deprest, J ; Vander Poorten, E ; Ourak, Mouloud ; Gruijthuijsen, Caspar ; Javaux, Allan ; Legrand, Julie ; Vercauteren, Tom ; Ourselin, Sébastien ; Deprest, Jan ; Vander Poorten, Emmanuel


Science & Technology, Technology, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, Theory & Methods, Robotics, Computer Science


Minimally invasive surgery is now a well established field in surgery but continuous efforts are made to reduce invasiveness even further. This paper proposes a novel concept of small-diameter multi-arm robot for SinglePort Access Surgery. The concept introduces a combination of backbone and actuation principles in a macro-micro fashion to achieve an excellent decoupling of the triangulation platform (macro) and of the end-effectors (micro). Concentric tube robots are used for the triangulation platform, while compliant fluidic-actuated bending segments are used as end-effectors. The fluidic actuation is advantageous as it minimally interferes with the triangulation platform. The triangulation platform on the other hand provides a stable base for the end-effectors such that large distal actuation bandwidth can be achieved. A specific embodiment for Spina Bifida repair is developed and proposed. The surgical and technical requirements as well as the mechanical design are presented in details. A first prototype is built and characterization experiments are conducted to evaluate its performance.