Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie
Arts & Humanities, Philosophy, valuing, emotion, emotional colouring, emotional excitation, sensuous feeling, mood, 2202 History and Philosophy of Specific Fields, 2203 Philosophy, 2204 Religion and Religious Studies, 5003 Philosophy
© 2018 by Tijdschrift voor Filosofie. Husserl's text which is published here is borrowed from the forthcoming edition Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins in the series Husserliana. The edition comprises four volumes. The present text is from the second volume which contains Husserl's extensive descriptions of sensuous feelings, emotional affects and acts of valuing. Husserl wrestles here as in many of the other manuscripts contained in the edition with the problem of the emotional character of valuing. Since valuing is supposed to be the originary act in which we experience and cognize values, its emotional character is problematic, certainly if we compare it with emotional affects like joy or sadness. These emotional affects, however, are also somehow constitutive in that they emotionally color the objects. A third kind of emotional experience discussed here are the sensuous feelings, pleasure and pain, that attach themselves and fuse with bodily sensations and might serve as sensuous material for specifically emotional apprehensions analogously to the perceptual apprehension of sensations of the various sense modalities. This text like all the other ones in the forthcoming edition is a research manuscript, which was not intended by Husserl for publication. Accordingly Husserl does not come to any conclusive results here, his fine-grained and nuanced descriptions remain open-ended and call for further phenomenological work.