EECERA Annual Conference, Date: 2009/08/26 - 2009/08/29, Location: Strasbourg, France

Publication date: 2009-01-01


de Bilde, Jerissa
Verachtert, Pieter ; De Fraine, Beatrijs ; Van Damme, Jan


SiBO, experiental education, educational practices, teaching style, Kindergarten, educational effectiveness research


In this paper we will take a closer look at the elements of Experiential Education (EXE; Laevers & Heylen, 2003) in Flanders. Since its onset the EXE theory has systematically grown, and the practice received increasing attention in Flemish kindergartens. In this paper we will examine six central element of EXE. The study is based on data from the SiBO project. Observations took place in 139 kindergartens, observers measured six aspects of EXE: three aspects of teaching style (autonomy-support, stimulation and sensitivity), and three educational aspects: the offer of free initiative, a rich classroom environment and activities that promote social-emotional functioning. Pupils cognitive functioning (e.g. reading, mathematics), and non-cognitive functioning (e.g. involvement, well-being, work attitude) were assessed using tests, observations and teacher questionnaires in kindergarten and first grade. Two questions will be discussed. First, do the elements of EXE in kindergarten predict cognitive and non-cognitive functioning of children in kindergarten and first grade? Second, do these elements have the same outcome pattern for all children? We will look for interactions of EXE-elements with pupil characteristics, including SES, ethnicity and prior achievement. In other words, we look for aptitude-treatment-interactions (ATI).