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Youth, Education and Value Change: The School as Keeper of the Social Status-quo or a Platform to Transform Values?, Date: 2013/11/20 - 2013/11/22, Location: University of Antwerp - City Campus

Publication date: 2013-11-21


Noens, Philippe
Ramaekers, Stefan


family, public, private, socialization


With regard to the question ‘how today values are produced and transferred to new generations?’ we want to focus in this contribution on the pedagogical role of the family as making something ‘public’. First, we dwell on the ‘traditional’ way of looking at the pedagogical role of the family, which is, seeing family as an institute where the new generation is being introduced to the norms and values that exist in society. Afterwards, we describe how the pedagogical role of the family is being affected by the current discourse of professionalization and learning. Second, we propose a view that sees the pedagogical role of the family as a practice of ‘freeing’ some-thing of the world and presenting it to children. It entails an understanding of family as a space in which adults and children ‘come together’ and ‘in’ gathering make things happen. We illustrate our approach by describing a ‘pedagogical’ moment in one researched family.