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CFP: The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in European memory and historiography., Date: 2017/10/11 - 2017/10/14, Location: Krakow, Jagiellonian University

Publication date: 2016-06-30


Van Waelderen, Dirk G


Ottoman, Habsburg, John III Sobieski, Verhoeven, Leopold I, Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, Stanislaus I Leszczyński, August II, Charles XII, Achmed II, Maximiliaen Graet, courants


After September 1683, the news of the victory against the Ottomans by the allied armies of the Holy League at Vienna was announced in Western Europe through prints and public celebrations. In the Habsburg Netherlands, ruled by the Spanish branch of the Habsburgs, the victories became a welcome news item in desperate times. The leaders of the Holy League like the Habsburg Emperor Leopold I (r. 1657-1705) and the Polish King John III Sobieski (r. 1674-1696) were portrayed as war heroes defending the Catholic faith. ...