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Deliverable 21.3: Job quality and vulnerability-at-work indicators in Europe

Publication date: 2017-03-01
Publisher: FP7 InGRID project; Leuven


Greenan, Nathalie
Seghir, Majda ; Smits, Ine ; Szekér, Lise ; Van Gyes, Guy ; Vercruyssen, Anina


research infrastrucutre, InGRID, job quality, indicators, vulnerable groups, inclusive growth


In the harsh new world of global competition and in the face of new wave of technological innova­tion, the world of work seems to undertake continuous changes. Further, structural transformations of the economy induced and extended by economic crisis as well as demographic and labour market changes imply the emergence of new forms of employment. However, there are also risks involved, in particular an increase of more precarious jobs and of inequality within and across countries that jeopardise the individual well-being. Against this backdrop, this report is put forth to highlight the global changes of job quality and work-related vulnerabilities in European countries, developing methods to identify the most at-risk employees, and also providing improvement guides of job quali­ty. To this end, the first chapter presents a job-centred methodology aiming to combine the multiples dimensions of jobs into reduced number of job types. The output is a taxonomy of job types that opens room for job quality evaluation and improvement. The second chapter provides an employee-centred method to measure vulnerability to adverse working environment. The main outcome is a vulnerability measure comparable across European countries and a warning system of employees at risk. Finally, the third chapter provides an assessment of the possibility of an international standard for scale construction using ECWS 2010