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Inventory of working conditions and occupational safety and health surveys

Publication date: 2015-11-01
Publisher: InGRID; Leuven


Szekér, Lise
Van Gyes, Guy


survey, working conditions, OSH, inventory, InGRID, inclusive growth


This working paper is part of Work Package 21 ‘Innovative tools and protocols for working conditions and vulnerability research’ of the InGRID project. It aims to discuss an inventory of working conditions and occupational safety and health surveys in Europe. Together with the inventories on linked employer-employee surveys and on policy data bases on working conditions and OSH that are made within the project, this inventory wants to provide researchers across Europe with an overview of existing surveys, and the quality of these surveys as a starting point for further integration and optimisation of the existing tools for working conditions research. The inventory bundles 17 national and transnational surveys on working conditions and OSH in European countries, which focus on individuals (employees), covering 11 European countries. It provides an overview of some relevant survey characteristics and survey quality information, such as survey methodology (timing, frequency, population, design), data collection and survey questionnaire, survey sample and response, scope of the survey (objectives and topics covered), available survey documentation, data availability, and quality control procedures. Finally some general conclusions are made based on the overview and some limitations of the inventory are discussed.