LERU Brexit Conference, Date: 2017/11/17 - 2017/11/18, Location: Leuven (Belgium)

Publication date: 2017-11-17


Bostoen, Friso
Vanhove, Simon


Brexit, Competition Law


While Brexit affects competition law – and the authorities enforcing it – all over Europe, not everyone is affected equally. Many research papers focus on the situation in the United Kingdom, whose competition policy will have to undergo a number of significant changes. As Belgian Competition Authority Chairman Jacques Steenbergen noted, the challenges for EU competition policy will be limited mostly to transition questions. Many times, however, the changes to EU and UK competition policy are two sides of the same coin. Therefore, our presentation seeks to give an overview of the most salient questions on both sides of the Channel. We discuss antitrust, merger control, state aid and (shortly) cooperation between competition authorities, taking both the EU and the UK perspective.