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European Marketing Academy Conference, Date: 2014/06/03 - 2014/06/06, Location: Valencia

Publication date: 2014-06-01

Paradigm Shifts and Interactions. 43rd Annual EMAC Conference


Tummers, José
Janssens, Kim


Experiment, Crossed-effects design, Marketing-Communicationi, Mixed-effects model


Experimental designs often are analyzed using a Repeated Measures ANOVA. Yet, this method does not suffice to describe all variance in a crossed effects experiment. Responses are generated from the same subjects and simultaneously those responses will be collected for the same stimuli, exposing the independence of the observations and the generalizability of the results. The current study contributes to this methodological concern by reanalyzing data from previous research with a mixedeffects model with ‘subject’ and ‘stimulus’ as random effects. That model realizes a significantly improved descriptive and predictive power, unveiling a substantial effect of stimuli on the experimental outcome.