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Physical Review C

Publication date: 2017-09-27
Volume: 96
Publisher: American Physical Society


Piantelli, S
Valdré, S ; Barlini, S ; Casini, G ; Colonna, M ; Baiocco, G ; Bini, M ; Bruno, M ; Camaiani, A ; Carboni, S ; Cicerchia, M ; Cinausero, M ; D'Agostino, M ; Degerlier, M ; Fabris, D ; Gelli, N ; Gramegna, F ; Gruyer, D ; Kravchuk, VL ; Mabiala, J ; Marchi, Tommaso ; Morelli, L ; Olmi, A ; Ottanelli, P ; Pasquali, G ; Pastore, G


Science & Technology, Physical Sciences, Physics, Nuclear, Physics, HEAVY-ION COLLISIONS, FERMI ENERGY DOMAIN, N-BODY APPROACH, MOLECULAR-DYNAMICS, N-14+TB-159 REACTION, FRAGMENT FORMATION, NUCLEON EXCHANGE, 22 MEV/U, SYSTEMATICS, EQUILIBRATION, 0202 Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Nuclear & Particles Physics, 5106 Nuclear and plasma physics


The systems 32S+40,48Ca and 32S+48Ti at 17.7 MeV/nucleon were investigated with the setup general array for fragment identification and for emitted light particles in dissipative collisions (GARFIELD) plus ring counter (RCo) at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL) of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). Fusion evaporation (FE), fusion fission (FF), and deep inelastic (DIC) events were identified, also through the comparison with the prediction of a transport model (stochastic mean field, SMF), coupled to GEMINI++ as an afterburner. This work mainly deals with the study of isospin transport phenomena in DIC events. In particular, the isospin diffusion is highlighted by comparing the average isotopic content of the quasiprojectile (QP) remnants observed when the target is the N=Z nucleus 40Ca and when it is the neutron-rich 48Ca. Also, the d/p and t/p ratios for particles forward emitted with respect to the QP were found to increase with increasing N/Z of the target.