The 15th SSBP International Meeting, Date: 2012/10/11 - 2012/10/13, Location: Leuven, Belgium

Publication date: 2012-10-01
Volume: 56 Pages: 926 - 926
Publisher: Blackwell Scientific on behalf of the Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults

Journal of Intellectual Disability Research


Plasschaert, Ellen
Descheemaeker, Mie-Jef ; Borghgraef, Martine ; Willekens, Diane ; De la Marche, Wouter ; Van Eylen, Lien ; Steyaert, Jean ; Noens, Ilse ; Legius, Eric


11 Medical and Health Sciences, 13 Education, 17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, Rehabilitation, 3202 Clinical sciences, 5202 Biological psychology