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Hospitality & Society

Publication date: 2012-01-01
Pages: 261 - 278
Publisher: Intellect Ltd.


Steylaerts, Vicky
O' Dubhghaill, Sean


CouchSurfing, authenticity, formalization, individuality


The work presented here first outlines, and then theorizes the emergence of CouchSurfing as a trend, as well as an allegedly more authentic form of travel. This article attempts to trace a line from globalization to authenticity, navigating the delicate antimonies of current tourism research in an effort to fuse the macro-level theorizing to the individuated reflections by CouchSurfers on the phenomenon itself. We discuss homogenization, positive and negative experiences and how participants individuate their CouchSurfing experience, so that it is theirs uniquely. Examining the circumstances and experiences of CouchSurfers themselves, an endeavour undertaken too sparingly, whereby we consider the presence of a latent paradox, concerning the degree to which an individual can individuate their CouchSurfing experience, within the host/guest dichotomy in CouchSurfing.